Saturday, August 8, 2009


...finding you and being one...

Sunday, August 2, 2009



Do you work out with the light?
Are you looking for your cosmic family?
Can you meet me there?



A positive view.

It is almost impossible to explain this, but it is also impossible not to try.

To me there is nothing more important, nothing more urgent than to have absolute proof and to share it.

You can think I’m crazy, that I’ve lost touch with reality. You’re not alone, there have been times I’ve thought so, and believe me, there are moments I still do.

…but here it goes. A really big change is at hand, purumpum!

By many scientists, sociologists and other authorities accounts our planet is at its edge. Ecologically speaking we are kind of fucked.
Some say not, that these periods of planetary ecological difficulties are cyclical, that these things have happened before. Business as usual. Not quite true.

For the first time in the history of planet earth ecological changes have been brought about not by a natural process or event, but by human activity. And some of these changes have been brought about abruptly.

As I write there is much debate about whether the damage so far done is reversible or not.

For most it is easier to ignore this, close their eyes and go on with their lives. However, ignore this or not right now Mother Nature is kicking our collective ass. And as the weather becomes rougher and rougher eyes shut tight wont help. Forget going on with your lives.

The projections for really bad weather, violent seismic activity and the continuing mass poisoning resulting from human produced chemical contamination etc keeps getting closer. (“The South Pole’s ice mass is melting faster than expected”… and so on.) We are talking about seeing it during our lifetime, not the distant future. Hell! We’re seeing it now.

Also there is the big socio-political mess. Of course humans have always created such socio-political messes through out history. War atrocities, unstable government, nasty populations (Remember the Romans, decadence, murdered Caesars, the Roman Circus and all that jazz). People are simply not behaving better now than in the past. Only today there are more of us, with an estimated world population of 6.77 billions, imagine all the bad behavior of our past multiplied and then some.

And there is more. Over population, hunger, pandemic diseases, too much stress producing more mental illness. Blah, blah, blah, the list goes on.


And you know… then there is the economy. I’ll say no more.

Put all these things together and make your own time projection. How long before this place is completely unlivable?

After you’ve finished your equation, throw in a few of “the problem was worse than we thought” and what do you get?

It sounds bad. I don’t think it is.

Here is why.

As I wrote earlier, I have evidence. Evidence that this entire universe was made by a very intelligent, powerful and loving creator. I really don’t think the universe worked on “shuffle” and all this came to be. I know this because the sky, the sea, the earth, humans, animals… the whole enchilada is just too amazingly well done, it all fits just to well, too beautifully. The synergy is just too great to be just accidental. We have intelligence and a soul. And if you don’t believe in the soul, then well, intelligence should be enough.

Considering the above statements I would have to say this all was planned. If it is too good to be an accident then it was done with a purpose. And something so well done was not made for the sole purpose of seeing it self destruct. No way Jose!

Now throw in another chapter in human evolution. Universal evolution.

Now this part is where I go out on a limb. And I promise I’m not going Shirley MacLaine on you, I don’t believe in intergalactic travelers coming to fuck with us. But I do believe this.

Part of the plan must be to continue with evolution. Consider how far humanity has come from the cavemen. Big hairy and dumb, living on the edge of extinction, unable to speak, to write a song, to build a house and make art. Unable to fly.

I don’t have to explain to you how great our evolution has been, how far we’ve come.

What about if the next phase of our evolution is to evolve our consciousness into another level? A level that some truly great humans have touched, people like Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and Jesus (he was a people too).

What about if we are in the midst of a great leap forward in our consciousness? Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard wrote: "The fourth element heralds the great awakening. A world changing event is described as a way to align our higher consciousnesses with our emerging capacities. It is designed to create a global mind change and launch us into the Third Millennium with hope in our hearts. A vision of a cocreative society, what is may be like if everything works, is offered" I believe that.

So what I’m getting at is this. You need to get off your ass and see what is going on. See the incredible moment you are living and don’t ignore it… don’t go back to your cave.

I’m not talking about taking meditation classes, recycle some plastic bags and give some money to the poor. No, there is a lot more to it than that.

You take it from here, go in and figure this one out for yourself. But please be aware that this way of live, this big collective mess of our planet earth civilization is over with. Done.

The planet is not going down the tubes, humanity is not going down the tubes. NO.
It is the way we think, the way we live, the way we conceive of our reality that is going down the tubes. Flush. Out of the cave and into the light.

Now I will get really weird on you. Like I said before, a big change is at hand. I give all this three more years to pass.

- The global economy totally crashes and the way we exchange goods changes. There will be no more money. Soon all currency will be worthless. (so get over it.)

- No global economy, no more industry, no more pollution, no more gasoline, no more cars, no more electricity… cell phones, tv, rich and poor, etc. No more life as you know it.

- The weather will change abruptly, global warming will lead to a global cooling. A large part of the northern hemisphere will be under ice. Think lots of ice (Did you think that we were going to be allowed to heat this place up to ashes?).

- Portions of the planet will be destroyed.

- There will be total chaos, violence and destruction in the large centers of population, big cities and surrounding areas.

- A few nations will wage war trying to take advantage of this chaotic situation.

- During this chaotic episode many infectious diseases, parasites etc will create havoc in the population.

- Natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, super storms, tornados and the like will be abundant.

- This will all happen very soon.

This might sound crappy to say the least but if this does not happen, the alternative will be much worse and I don’t want to describe that here, as the alternative does not exist.

My dear friends. Please learn how to be productive and not destructive. Use your amazing spirits and energy and connect to the rest of the universe. Stop being alone within you. Evolve, be big, be light, be a creator.

Can you survive on this earth without damaging it? Can you live on this earth without being selfish? Can you be one with this universe instead of being just you, the consumer? Can you love everything as much as you love yourself?

Can you trust in the universe.

Of course, making this change is hard as hell.

But if you want to be part of a world where we are all one. A world populated by a new consciousness, populated by evolved humans, then start now. Please work on yourself, work hard, work deep, work fast.

Find a place to live away from populated areas.

Learn to be auto-sufficient.

Before it all falls into total chaos, buy the tools and supplies you need to sustain your lives during this chaotic transition.

Learn how truly connect with other people, animals and plants.

Disconnect yourself from what no longer works.

Doing this is very difficult, but if you connect with the eternal and omnipresent energy that flows through this entire universe including you, then you will know what to do.

You will have started to evolve once again.

As I continue my own work to make these connections and work hard to see to the other side, to evolve, I trust the universe that I will.

I feel compelled to share this with you.

Your work has began...

I love you.


A shaman I met recently told us he had a vision with a great bird. This bird said he was leaving us. He said we had destroyed many nests and now our nest was going to be destroyed. This shaman (Juan Ruiz Naupari) said this was just a very real possibility, and yes, we had done a lot of destroying and could expect the same. However, there was another possibility. We could change and move away from destruction and into creation. We could create a different world, we could return to the truth.

The shaman was ultimately talking about humanity being stuck in the EGO. The ego, although part of ourselves, is nothing but another option of behavior for humans and we need not be living from our ego’s perspective. In fact it is the ego who causes most of our problems if not all. It is the ego who engages in destruction.

In the future, the indestructible future, we would live in a world without egos.

Just think about that. That awesome possibility!!! The implications of this statement.

I get it!!!

Do you?