Sunday, October 4, 2009


Today I had the wonderful chance to listen to “Francisco”, an amazingly gifted surgeon who has become a “different” kind of healer as well as teacher.

He is well known as an “energy healer” and most of us expected him to perform such a healing on us, but instead Francisco only spoke. He came from Zapotlan and spent some time with us talking about this unique moment in our evolution and what is available to us now.

He told us we had to learn how to heal ourselves (this would also heal the world). He spoke of the simple reality that now, at this stage in our evolution, we had to become responsible for ourselves and become the change we seek. He said we already have all the knowledge we need, we just have to become aware of it. Now it’s the time to let go of all of our old conditioning, old concepts and take a step towards becoming our real selves.

Forget everything you've learned up to now and feel the reality.

Francisco emphasized the need to feel knowledge rather than to intellectualize it. To bring up our awareness to a level of everyday functioning, rather than to use only our conceptualization and reasoning. To feel our breath and to be aware of it was his first bit of advice towards achieving this new self-awareness. To simply start to be aware of our bodies through feeling our breath, to become aware of this expanding and contracting of our breathing every moment as a way to be aware of who we are. This simple step is the first step towards awareness. The road of course is much longer, but it starts here. He also said we must first be aware of ourselves, get to know who we really are, not who we think we are; that is the first step towards loving ourselves. Then and only then we can start to love others. Finally we can reach the state where we love our Divine Father/Mother. Once we have experienced such love here and now, our higher self can connect directly with the Divine and Oneness will occur, bliss, shifting into a higher vibrational level of existence.

We had a wonderful time listening to Francisco, whose voice alone produced a high vibrational frequency. His very demeanor, his mere presence was an experience of higher level. A very humble, gentle and decisive man, taught us for three hours today how the universe is now facilitating the discovery and expansion of our consciousness.

He said, the Divine Mother/Father has opened arms and waits for all of us to make our move. Who will take that step and dare to really be and really love?

I felt I knew most of what Francisco spoke about, but to listen to his clear and simple presentation, and most of all to experience his loving presence in the room, a living example of what he was talking about was a real gift.

I look forward to seeing him again. Soon.
