Friday, June 7, 2019

La Importancia de la Memoria.

En el momento que mi cabeza se asomo al mundo note que llovía fuertemente y alguien sostenía un enorme paraguas sobre mamá mientras que ella con su formidable fuerza me paria.

De repente todo se torno extraordinario junto aquel árbol.

Ese mismo día, a esa misma hora, en ese mismo lugar había nacido mamá 18 años antes.  Debajo del mismo paraguas.

Ella se llamaba Paulina y era bruja y guardiana del universo.

No yo.

Yo fui pendeja.

Yo fui la primera en meter la pata de la manera que la metí.  Al final, no cumplí y por eso estoy aquí aprendiendo a escribir.

Yo también pari un bebé debajo de aquel árbol, aquel día, a aquella hora 18 años después, debajo del mismo paraguas sostenido por una anciana que ya estaba ciega de ver tantos niños brillantes nacer.

Ella me dijo.  “Si le viera la cara te diría que es igualito a ti”.  Yo le puse Pedro de nombre y a el le gusto mucho.  

“Me llamo Pedro” decía cuando comenzó a hablar. “Me llamo Pedro Pedro Pedro” y se reía.

Pero yo lo estropie todo.

Eduque a Pedro muy bien.  Yo que no sabia nada más que estudiar ahora me veía felizmente obligada a incluir a Pedro en mis estudios.  Pedro tenia que saber todo lo que yo había aprendido y más.  El estaba destinado a mucha sabiduría y bondad y yo me entregue a cumplir su destino que también era el mío.

Tube otros hijos pero Pedro era más que un hijo para mi, el era mi objetivo kármico y transcendental.  El era el hijo universal que yo si darme cuenta quería solo para mi.  Me pase de lista y me quede tan ciega como Justa, quien nos cubrió de la lluvia el día que nacimos Pedro, yo, mamá.

Resulta que era mi deber ir apartando a Pedro emocionalmente de mi para que cuando el fuera un hombre no tuviera que cargar con el peso de un apego a su madre y maestra y yo no pude hacerlo.  Era mi hijito y olvide mi deber.

Tanto me esforcé que al final fui una mala madre para Pedro y me ha costado mucho perdonarme.  Yo se que de nada sirve culparme pero en eso estoy.

Yo ahora debo retornar a nuestro propósito, que nunca ha cambiado.  Todo cambia menos eso.

En aquel entonces el mundo era muy diferente al mundo de hoy y mamá me enseño a hablar con el bosque y ver el tiempo sin pasado, sin futuro.  Ahora apenas reconozco el bosque porque vivo tan lejos de el.  Ahora no entiendo casi nada y hace años ando buscando a Pedro para arreglar las cosas.

Busco a mucha gente en estos días.

Mamá, abuela y yo estábamos conectadas muy profundamente.  Las dos se mantenían un tanto distantes pero a la vez también omnipresente.  Ahora entiendo porque.  Nuestra conexión era automática y segura.  A media noche yo me podia despertar, levantar, vestirme e acudir a ellas con la certeza que me llamaban telepáticamente.  Esto era cotidiano para mi y así fue para Pedro también.

Cuando por fin llego el momento que ya no tenia más que enseñarle a Pedro, lo lleve con varias personas muy sabias y habilidosas para que Pedro aprendiera de ellos.  Estas separaciones angustiaban mucho a Pedro pero yo lo calmaba con mi omnipresencia aún en la distancia y en realidad nunca lo deje solo.  El no quería y yo no podia.

A veces Pedro, mamá, abuela y yo éramos uno.  Podíamos estar en diferentes lugares haciendo diferentes cosas y simultáneamente estar en una conversación entere los cuatro donde los pensamientos e imágenes fluían con claridad entre todos.

Pero mamá y abuela también sabían ocultarme cosas, ocultarme pensamientos.  Ellas sabían como cerrarse a mi, por mi bien.  Yo nunca me pude cerrarme a Pedro, nunca lo quise hacer y esto fue lo peor que hice.  Lo acostumbre a siempre tenerme y eso no le hizo bien.

Mamá y abuela estaban muy preocupadas con la situación.  Yo las ignore creyendo que Pedro estaba recibiendo una educación suprema y una protección infinita.  Nada le  podia pasar a mi hijo.  Yo siempre estaría con el y yo era poderosa.

Pero el mundo comenzó a cambiar y fuerzas muy ocultas salieron a relucir.  Esas fuerzas eran oscuras y mal intencionadas.  Tenían planes para el futuro y se aprovecharon de mi debilidad.  Su plan fue destruir la cadena de conocimiento que guardábamos por siglos.  Desde el pasado atacaban al día de hoy.

Abuela murió primero.  De causas naturales y demasiado joven todos decían.  Después de su muerte mamá envejeció demasiado rápido.  De repente se convirtió en una viejita silenciosa y asustada.  Rezaba y meditaba día y noche y completamente se alejo de mi.  Yo no me di cuenta lo que pasaba porque mi vida estaba dedicada a la educación de Pedro.  No veía nada más pero mamá lo vio todo y se horrorizo.  Ella supo que no podia hacer nada, yo era terca en lo que se refería a Pedro.

Y llego el día que Pedro y yo comenzamos a preparar todo para el nacimiento de un hijo o hija para el.  Pedro tendría que comenzar a educar a su hijo o hija y yo lo ayudaría.  Yo estaba muy orgullosa de el y tenia tanta esperanza para la criatura que nacería.

Mamá salió de su silencio y me ayudo a localizar a la madre adecuada para el bebe de Pedro.  Comenzamos a prepararla tres meses antes y a el también.  A el lo enviamos a una montaña donde el ayunaría y meditaría ademas de hacer rituales purificadores y pedirle al universo un hijo/hija, nuestro futuro líder y protector.

Y fue entonces que vinieron por mi.  Estaban drogados, alucinado con plantas del bosque y me amarraron.  Me hicieron marcas por todo el cuerpo con sus cuchillos y también me dieron las mismas drogas alucinógenas para beber.  Yo resistí muchas horas pero al fin perdí la razón.

Pedro conectado siempre a mi lo supo al instante.  Se lanzo montaña abajo y no paro hasta llegar a mi.  Cuando me vio se volvió loco el también y los mato a todos.  El fue al bosque y los encontró.  El sabia como buscar muy bien.  Pedro le prendió fuego al bosque, quemo las plantas alucinógenas, busco a los familiares de los del bosque y también los mato a ellos. Se paso días vengándose.

Yo me recupere un poquito y entonces fue que verdaderamente sufrí.  

Entonces me di cuenta que esas fuerzas oscuras que se posesionaron de la gente del bosque y los habían usado como instrumentos de destrucción.  Habían esperado siglos hasta que naciera yo, quien iva a ser débil.

A mamá la mataron la gente del bosque cuando me asaltaron a mi.  Yo sentía el ataque a mamá cuando me estaba defendiendo y eso me hizo débil. Fue un doble ataque simultáneo.  Mamá también fue debilitada al saber lo que me pasaba a mi.

Y nuestra comunidad busco a Pedro que estaba loco de dolor y rabia y también lo mataron porque le tenían mucho miedo.  Pedro era poderoso y estaba fuera de control.

Su hijo nunca nació.  Nunca se hizo la ceremonia. 

A mi me trataron de salvar pero no había alguien como mamá, abuela, Pedro o yo para sanarme.  Yo quede más que loca y no quería ayudar.  

Por fin me suicide una mañana frente a un montón de gente que me vino a ver.  No soporte sus miradas porque los traicione y los abandone.  Yo sabia lo que venia y no pude ver más porque ya estaba muy rota.

Entonces la gente quedo desprotegida.  Los del bosque comenzaron su asenso y son ellos quienes dominan a este mundo hoy y todo lo que sabia mi hijo se perdió por siglos.

Pero la oscuridad nunca ha sido eterna.


La historia continua llena de amnesia.

Lo que paso entre esta los tiempos de la historia de Pedro y su madre, por cierto me llamo María y el día de hoy es desconocida para mi.  Me puedo imaginar algunos escenarios pero en realidad no se nada más.

Pero si se esto.

La humanidad esta en un estado evolutivo constante donde muchas fuerzas opuestas operan activamente creando altas y bajas con el propósito de forjar nuestra conciencia.

Esta lucha, que es infinita nos ha llevado a contemplar las consecuencias de nuestras acciones una y otra vez.  No nos permite olvidar los resultados, esta es la aparente lección.  Esta es la forma en que evolucionamos.  Como los niños, a veces cometemos errores y así es que aprendemos.  A veces ni cuenta nos damos y no aprendemos nada.

Dentro de esta lucha de fuerzas opuestas que son parte de nuestra naturaleza hay una fuerza que nos lleva a la harmonía y la sabiduría.  Esta es la fuerza primordial que mantiene este universo. También existe otra fuerza opuesta que busca obstaculizar la harmonía y la sabiduría.

Hemos tenido épocas de harmonía y mucha sabiduría para poder mantenerla sin embargo las fuerzas destructivas han continuado interponiéndose y en muchas ocaciones han logrado eliminar la sabiduría que nos lleva a la harmonía.  Y hemos vuelto a caer en la oscuridad una y otra vez.

Esta historia que les acabo de contar es un ejemplo de esto.

No importa quienes eran Pedro y su familia.  Las fuerzas oscuras y destructivas buscaban destruir el conocimiento que ellos poseían.  No era nada personal todo era dirigido a eliminar la sabiduría que ellos poseían y guardaban para las generaciones futuras.  El plan parece haber sido creado específicamente para desprestigiar a estas personas y por ende desprestigiar sus trabajo y sus enseñanzas.  Destruir el conocimiento fue el objetivo.

Esta no fue la única vez que ocurrió.  Muchas personas a travez de la historia han sido atacadas con el fin de eliminar su conocimiento.  Este ataque ha sido sostenido en contra de individuos e instituciones.  Esto se ve con claridad durante la edad oscura época medieval y la época de la Inquisición Católica.

Hoy día las dos fuerzas se enfrenta con mayores consecuencias.  Ahora hay mucho más en juego, quizás todo esté en juego.

La cantidad de conocimiento producido por la humanidad constantemente esta siendo contaminado por las fuerzas oscuras que se mezclan y se esconden dentro billones de seres que vivimos aquí.  Al mismo tiempo el elemento de harmonía y sabiduría lucha por mantenerse a flote y a travez de el proceso evolutivo y también se prepara para un gran encuentro ahora cuando ya todo esta en juego.

Este es el momento.

Los ciclos evolutivos nos devuelven recuerdos e información y creo que reclamaremos la sabiduría necesaria para que los humanos salvemos al resto del contenido de este bello planeta.  La evolución es ascendente.

El destino nuestro no ha cambiado.

Hay y siempre han habido personas que han dedicado sus vidas a cuidar de este planeta a travez de sus enseñanzas.  Esas personas se han comprometido a hacer esta labor.  Ellos son sirvientes de la humanidad.  

Estas personas, estos “guardianes” son seres humanos como todos los demás, no son especiales y no se porque ellos han elegido hacer este trabajo tan difícil.

También se que hay muchos elementos naturales que nos conectan a la sabiduría del universo que es la única que poseemos porque somos el universo.  Estos elementos se manifiestan en electricidad, magnetismo, corrientes atmosféricas, marinas, telúricas y mucho más (que yo no se).

Ahora existe un sistema que se esfuerza for truncar estas conexiones.  Nuestro alimentos ya casi en su totalidad están corruptos y nos dejan incapaz de conectarnos.  Ademas de la alimentación esta la contaminación total del planeta que ha causado que muchos de los otros elementos naturales que nos apoyan se debiliten junto a nosotros. Me refiero especificamente a los elementales y otras criaturas multidimensionales que también habitan este planeta.

Es este conjunto de elementos multidimensionales que componen nuestro habitat y sin ellos nuestro habitat es inhóspito.  Ahora desconectados de este conjunto de elementos naturales nos encontramos en un estado lamentable al borde de la extinción.

Nuestra naturaleza es multidimensional y nuestra sanidad depende de las conexiones inter dimensionales que disfrutamos.  No obstante nuestra conexión con el universo nunca podrá ser cortada.  Podrá ser debilitada pero nunca se erradicara.  Así que el ciclo comienza de nuevo.  Llego el momento de reclamar conexiones, sabiduría y fuerza.

Los que aceptan la labor de trabajar para la humanidad, para nuestra “familia multidimensional” de nuevo sienten las cosquillas de la memoria.

Llego el momento de recordar.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This world will not end. Ever.

It has been a very long time since I wrote on this blog. Needless to say I’ve been very busy. I probably won’t be writing much either in the future. But who knows.
Sang sang sarai!!!! A real story.
Ten years ago this journey towards a beautiful egoless future began in earnest. “Sang sang sarai” spurted from my lips as my body shook with laughter and burned with intense self produced heat. I was a astonished witness to my own behavior, my own words at that moment. I had no idea what “sang sang sarai” meant, but it made me happy to pronounce those words. Still does.
“What the hell is going on, what is this?” at the same time “Wow, this is amazing, it is beautifully strange, this is important,” was my inner chatter. This happened in the company of 15 people on September 13, 2011 during an Agnihotra ceremony. At the time we were all very concerned and shocked a mere two days after the World Trade Center attack.
My life has never been the same. This day I realized there was something operating from within me, something I had yet not understood but already loved more than anything else. That day I had yet to understand that something within me was going to lead me to a place I’ve always wanted to go. I had to follow this lead with absolute blind faith. I did and I was terrified.
Seven years later I met Lama Tsori Rimpoche (Tulku Karma). I asked him what “sang sang sarai” meant. He said a “beautiful future, a changed world approaches”.
By the time I heard these words translated by Lama Tulku I had been obsessed with leaving the US to live on a remote mountain, in a self sustaining spiritual community, to detox from the present system governing our planet, to nurture from a loving communion with the earth; eating what we planted and lovingly cared for till harvest time. A place where we would have the time and space to meditate free of worldly distractions and assist the arrival of that “beautiful future, a changed world approaches”. Sang sang sarai!!!! I had no idea where this place was. Many times I doubted it existed.
So here I am, with a crappy Internet connection, living on a remote mountain. After leaving the US four years ago for a small dusty town in Mexico, where I new not a soul, earned no money and did nothing but meditate and long. I met a woman who had similar ideas to mine but who was not ready to take the step yet. She had bought land in a remote mountain, a place considered by many to be an energy vortice, a sacred place, a dangerous place. There she build several houses, beautiful houses and she offered one to me. “Go and start a community” she said. In the mean time I met a beautiful young woman with two beautiful young boys, the moment we met we fell in love and to my amazement this journey I was taking... this life in the mountain was all she had ever wanted. Six months later we moved up here, where we are learning how to farm (I’m a designer-advertising creative-film make and she is a Olympic gymnastics trainer) from scratch. We finally have began to eat our own vegetables and have had many beautiful experiences working with the higher energies involved in this evolutionary process and the cleansing of the earth. Sang sang sarai!!!
During the time that I first woke up to the realization that I was going to embark in this journey (1999) the universe has given me many clues and valuable information. So far everything that I’ve “paid attention to” (the universe is always talking to us, but we don’t always listen) has been absolutely true even if at the time it sounded improbable. I have shared this information with many, but they won’t act on it... only later they will say, “you were right”. I knew ahead of time about the 9/11 attack, the implosion of the real estate market, the financial market crash, the porcine flu epidemic, the middle present east war etc...
I also know via this communication that our economic system has collapsed and is only a matter of time when there will be no currency. A great chaos will takes over the world... it already has claimed great parts of our planet. The many natural disasters that humanity seems to blithely ignore will increase in frequency and magnitude until it wrecks so much that humanity will fall to its knees. At the same time war and disease will sweep the planet. This too has already started to happening in many places. (It looks like this is the only way for humanity to stop the present destruction of the planet and move on to a life of co-creation and harmony).
And as all this is happening the most terrible thing taking place today is the indifference, greed, egotism and hatred that is destroying so many people form the inside out.
The time has come to choose. To detach from the problem and become the solution. There are many ancient communities of light in this planet, Hindu and Buddhist enclaves as well as more non denominational modern versions where people live together in harmony and prayer... emanating light and love for all the world. If this were not so, this planet would have blown up by now. This plus the pure emanations from artists during their inspired moments of connection with the divine, the moments of innocent joy many of us have and the purity of many child like souls in this planet have created a much needed balance that has kept the dark from devouring this world. This I call the persistence of light in the human soul.
This persistence of light is not only in the human soul but also in every spec of this infinite universe. The undeniable grandeur of our universe prevails for infinity and this hiccup, this blip in this greatness; this dark human history we are living is nothing in comparison. Just something to never ever repeat.
I don’t know why evil exists; I don’t think I’m capable of understanding it right now. But I know there is a reason; it is not a wanton act of evil itself. The light has a purpose for allowing this; perhaps an educational period of darkness is needed.
But I know this period is over very soon. Over.
Today I saw how our cucumber seeds exploded into beautiful bright green sprouts. Our puppies finally got the nerve to shed their baby shyness and become little four legged terrors. Sometimes still we feel fear and uncertainty... the pain seeping from this world is hard to sidestep. To stand here and watch the world we know fall to pieces is unnerving some times. But we work hard not to forget that a very powerful, intelligent and loving consciousness created this universe and all that love did not create all this for to end up in pain and destruction. And the way things are going on planet Earth pain and destruction seem inevitable. But this is not the divine plan, this is not what is being communicated, this is not what I’m paying attention to.
A few more people have arrived up here; we can see the beginning of a working group to assist in the birth of the egoless future.  More people will come as that “beautiful future, a changed world approaches” faster and faster. Needless to say I’ve been very busy. I probably won’t be writing much either in the future. But who knows.
Sang sang sarai!!!! A real story.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I've not written in a while, I'm supper busy preparing to move away from "the system". This means moving to a remote mountain where we will plant our food and disengage from this mess we call modern society. This consumerist trap void of reason and compassion. I see most of humanity as completely "blind" to it's own nature acting to constantly inflict damage on themselves and their environment.

Enough is enough, there is just so much that can be allowed without total... (to be continued)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I've not been able to write much on this blog lately as I'm preparing to move to the mountains ( we are creating a self sustaining community).

Today I found this wonderful website with a number of very interesting articles, which I've not read all. However a lot of what I read was very interesting. I don't agree with everything I red in this site, specially the stuff about the human made structures on Mars... but in general I like what I did read]. In particular I love this paragraph which I post here. This paragraph sums up so much of what is driving the change we are seeing in our world today. We are essentially living in a time of chaos and turmoil. This is because we are living in a time of BIG changes. Big important changes... for the best.

Mayan timekeepers records indicate that 2012 marks the close of several large cycles of time: a 26,000 year Mayan Calendar cycle, a 78,000 year Earth cycle, a 26 million year Earth cycle and the 225 million Galactic Year. The simultaneous close of these cycles in 2012 is like the odometer turning over for the entire history of our galaxy, and perhaps the whole cosmos. It is a moment when humanity, Planet Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy and perhaps all of creation is expected to take a simultaneous leap in evolution."

by Janae B. Weinhold from Weinholds Website

Much love to you all!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


March 6, 2010 ORION On our environment in crisis
Yes, yes. Terrific winds shall blow through every land. Those of you by the coast, beware.
On this planet, there is a ‘chain reaction’. When an earthquake of such magnitude occurs on one land, every place on Earth experiences the after effects, great or slight.
Climate engineering is at work here. However, even the most astute fellows make mistakes. In layman’s terms, if one miscalculation is made, the direction can shift. One country thus is spared and the next, affected. We would say this may be the case with Chile .
Fault lines are especially unsafe at this time. There has been a shift in the Earth’s axis, as all along has been predicted.
March 10, 2010 On our responsibility as Light Workers
Yes, indeed it seems that no sooner do we turn to aid ones affected in catastrophe then the next occurs. There is great imbalance on the planet today. All of Nature is in a state of flux.
Those of you who have awakened bear great responsibility to send healing and Light to all countries touched by tragedy. As you know, these disasters will take place with greater frequency. Therefore, prepare yourselves to act as vessels to send love around the globe. Aid agencies cannot heal the spirit. Those of you Light Workers in SERVICE can begin to heal those in need. Those of you who carry the sacred fire have even greater ability to manifest love. It is the fire of love. Continue this.
There is a greater spirit in the ancient cultures of Chile. Tap into the ancient civilizations. There is great healing to be found in one’s ancestral land. OM.
March 17, 2010 On conspiracy theories and presidential security
Yes, yes. As foretold, there will be a series of earthquakes and calamities in Nature. Some is Nature’s uprising, which has been foreseen. However, there are many destructive spirals being set off by human interference. Of course, all of you are aware of HARRP and its negative effects on the environment. What you may not realize is there is a certain level of absolute intention operating under the surface. There is a culling of the world’s population in effect now. However, some of this ‘culling’ is actually backfiring and hitting the perpetrators on their home ground.
The conspiracy theories are often correct, though some may appear far-fetched. One cannot fathom creating a chaos which will envelop the entire world, even if greed was the impetus for the acts, crimes created against humanity. We are now speaking quite freely and without reserve here. The powers that are in operation on this planet are behind the powers that appear to be in operation on this planet! They are not who you see when you watch news clips on television. They are behind the scenes. Some politicians are in cahoots with them, but many are unaware of their sinister activities. Once in power long enough, political front liners come to know they have very limited power to affect change in the world. Many become disenchanted and drop out of politics altogether. Others concentrate on less controversial matters and avoid involvement in what is most delicate and most dangerous. Thus, your political system is under tight control.
What appears to be a victory in U.S. will come to be seen for what it is, a smokescreen hiding the actual destruction of the planet by the hands of the ones really in charge. The process of discrediting The United States present commander in chief is unlikely to succeed. However, it is diminishing his popularity and making an opening for the more sinister of political opponents to fire their shot. We realize that this may never make the front page so-to-speak. To print some such indication could cause uproar, even on a small level. However, had this man been attacked before he came into power, the assailant’s orientation would have been quite apparent. Now that he has been permitted to be elected, the suspects would perhaps not be realized. We would say, his security is of vital importance now. There would be complete mayhem should this president be attacked. Any attack upon his life would likely fail, but would underline the need for security and allow the ‘powers that be’ to execute a more strenuous anti-terrorist effort.
March 18, 2010 On taking back the Power
Yes, yes. Seemingly positive decisions regarding environment are not based in truth. That is to say, decisions which appear to benefit the environment are simply stalling for time. Unfortunately, big business is at the wheel and anything which would be environmentally friendly, but not cost-effective, will fail in the worldwide arena. There is corruption at the top, even when the countries’ voting is opposite! The ultimate control is from the top down. When people are being surveyed and assessed, their opinions solicited under the guise of democracy, the actual decision makers have already made up their agendas and, save for outright rebellion, not much is going to alter their stance.
However, THE POWER CAN BE TAKEN FROM THE ROOTS UPWARD. That is, if the farmers unite, for example, to refuse to buy GM (*Genetically modified) seeds or use chemical fertilizers or spray chemicals on their crops, certainly something will have to give. The best way to orchestrate a rebellion is to unite amongst yourselves and boycott that which is against not only Nature, but human nature as well.
This goes for every aspect of world domination. If the people become educated and aware of the injustices being foisted upon them daily, and take back their power in a united manner, success is all but assured 100%.
On being aware of Media Control
How to unite? When the world is in control of the airwaves and the televised dogma, it becomes difficult but not impossible.
We have continually suggested beings UNPLUG FROM THE SYSTEM that dominates them. The Internet now is coming under subterfuge. We would say to be careful where you go on Internet, as every avenue is being infiltrated. Certainly, if you read world news at all, you are ingesting lies or altered truths, at the least. Be careful what you believe, at least, if you insist on attuning yourselves to world news. Of course, there is something to be said for being well-versed in current events, but if the news is being slanted to influence your thinking, how beneficial is it to remain so well-versed? Hmmm. Seek out alternative news sources. There, at least, more truth is available than lies!
On Future
Governments collide as planets collide. We foresee a future of disagreeing elements of society, but we do not foresee the third world war, as many do. We see it as being averted, even miraculously toward the end. It appears even more so, now, as there has been tremendous progress on subtle realms in assisting this planet to avoid complete destruction. However, this will not be uneventful, as many disasters play out on Nature’s expansive stage. These would perhaps be referred to as ‘natural disasters’, but as you know, they are not necessarily so, which leads us to the next point.
On LIGHT vs. darkness
There is a sinister collaboration of forces against this planet. The powers of your planet are definitely receiving assistance from other sources in the universe. However, those of the Light are receiving constant assistance from many more sources than that. The battle between dark and light will become far more apparent, as the efforts of the dark side to conceal their wrongdoings are unravelling. Much will be revealed in the coming months about strategies to reduce the world’s population, about climate engineering having fallen into the hands of those who would twist human fate rather than honour or attempt to improve it.
The airwaves are awash with conspiracy theories. We do not offer any additional theories. We simply offer a warning to be aware of what you read, what you watch, what you are tricked into believing.
May all of you walk in Light, in the face of all danger, in the seeming darkness on this planet. Walk in Light.
April 5, 2010 On Unity and looking beyond personality
Yes, yes. The consciousness of the world is expanding, but there is a great darkness hovering over this civilization. This darkness is on a time schedule, which means it will descend if the world does not awaken in time. Literally, darkness is the threat to this civilization, the waning of the sun. We foresee, as always, a bright future, a sunlit planet, but we must warn of the darkness which is threatening this planet, as year after year the environment is not being protected as it should. The awareness required for this planet to survive is high. Those Light Workers in whose hands has been placed great responsibility for the whole shall now rise up and join forces.
This is where the ‘dark side’ does its best work, in dividing those who work for the Light, so to weaken the whole. Do not allow this to happen. Remain as united as possible, even if your personalities clash at times. Do look beyond the personality and try, as well, not to be ruled by your personalities. Look at the one who is causing you discomfort in new light, look through the eyes of your heart and relax the mind. Then, you will see, easily see, the goodness and holy perfection in the other human being. What you do see that you do not like or that is difficult for you to accept is likely to be a mirror of your own similar tendencies. Perhaps they are tendencies which you have long since overcome, and to see it in others reminds you of your past weakness. Or perhaps, the weaknesses in others remind you that you still have seeds of the same within you to release.
Look beyond the personality. The personality can be easily manipulated by negative energies in the atmosphere, but the heart cannot be turned away from the Light. This is your strength. OM.
April 13, 2010 On environmental stress and Agnihotra Ash
Yes, yes, yes. In these most unusual times when there is a release of gases now from beneath the Earth’s surface, and an increase in toxic fumes, particularly in cities around the world take pure Agnihotra ash before leaving your home. Now, ingest the Agnihotra ash and direct this miraculous substance to protect your bodily system from all toxins in the atmosphere. In other words, take Agnihotra ash for protection, plain and simple. There are more bacteria now in the atmosphere, the changing of the seasons always the most delicate time for human beings in terms of illness and bacterial infection.
By the way, there will likely be an increase in bacterial infections on your planet. Agnihotra ash taken daily, minimum 3 times per day, will allay the problem. Of course, everyone has periods when they succumb to illness, perhaps due to weakness, stress or otherwise undetermined reasons. Still, as a preventative, this Agnihotra ash is an excellent deterrent against falling ill.
Those of you living in extremely stressful environments, if you cannot move to one more conducive to healing, there are possible ways which will assist you in rising above your environmental stresses. One such method is deep breathing, focusing on the incoming breath and the outgoing breath, relieving the body of all stress and tension. Pranayama is also excellent, as well, but focusing on the breath and imagining Light filling your lungs on each ingoing breath and releasing bodily tensions on every outgoing breath is simplest and most effective. Of course, this in conjunction with Agnihotra atmosphere is surely most productive.
Prayer, meditation, the playing of healing Mantras and music, simple Hatha Yoga designed for reducing stress, poses which emphasize correct breathing and elimination of tension are excellent aids.
When beings find themselves in stressful environments, many succumb to the energy OUTSIDE themselves, forgetting there is a well of Light healing energy within. Draw upon the energies within, so as not to be adversely affected by the energies outside over which you have little or no control.
GO WITHIN. Surround yourselves with Light, honouring the Divine Father and Divine Mother who always are in attendance, particularly when you open your heart to receive them.
By all means, realize these are difficult times. By all means, realize you have within you the power and determination to succeed, the strength to overcome, and the wisdom and blessings to rise above all that assails you, to reach the Light. Continue your rise to the heights which your soul was and is meant to reach. OM .
On The Age of Truth
This is the age of Truth, when all which is false shall come to light, when all shadows shall be exposed. One cannot clear the atmosphere without revealing the weak areas on the planet. Similarly, one cannot clear the mind without rooting out the dark thoughts, the negative mental tendencies and habits which control the inner workings of the mind. However, how one goes about dispelling such negative mental blockages to freedom is not by concentrating upon them. It is by observing them, admitting them to oneself, and moving on without deliberating further on the origin, the whys and wherefores of these tendencies. One can see the reasons why one operates out of a negative assumption, for example, but to heal it one needs to step out of it, not further into it!
On New ways of Therapy
Many therapeutic techniques would have a person delve into the pain, focus on one’s history, examine motives and evaluate oneself according to developmental scales, often finding the appropriate label for one’s malady. While there is definitely something to be said for therapeutic techniques, there is also something to be said for time being of the essence. Long, drawn-out therapy sessions, during which one concentrates fully on the problem, often do not draw out timely solutions. Focus instead on shifting gears, getting out of self-imposed ruts of negative thinking. Deprogram the mind. Seek alternatives which will benefit and support the concept of “Be Here Now.”
Many problematic situations stem from having outgrown one’s programs, but not having healthy alternatives with which to operate one’s life. Finding alternatives on every level physical, mental, spiritual, emotional will train the mind to follow new grooves, ones which will elevate one’s spirit rather than suffocate it. When therapy addresses the individual with alternative solutions, it works. This is the ‘new face of therapy.’
Solutions to life’s problems are readily available. One does not have to drown in one’s problems. Be willing to rise above them with ease and effort, in harmony and truth, facing oneself with humility and true desire to evolve. So much Grace meets the ones who embrace their weaknesses and release them in trust, welcoming new methods of change. True self-development dawns, as one begins to realize the Oneness of all, and no longer the loneliness of one.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Light Shines Brighter.

I've not posted anything here for a while. Between traveling and being super busy I've had not a moment to write. Also I've been a bit out of sorts... All in all, I have to say that it has been a time of great changes, also a time of urgency. We are in the brink of more than we know. (Although we DO know) We are walking into the deep end. My own personal process has been one of peeling off layers I did not know existed. One one hand I feel very happy, very certain... on the other hand I'm clueless and anxious. And even though I've been on a "stand by" mode, I'm also getting ready to take off. The details are obscure but I know the fog will lift any moment now.

I'm getting ready to write more soon. In the mean time I'd like to share an article by Parvati, from Orion Transmissions, they are part of the Homa Therapy Foundation, a group I greatly admire and love. They are doing some of the most important work today.

Dear friends,
This set of transmissions is particularly powerful for me. I can sense the shift in priorities, perhaps in tune with impending winter, the season of introspection. Still, it seems we are being more than gently nudged into really fulfilling our higher purpose in life. The insistence in these messages on focusing within and strengthening ourselves is greater than before. I can feel a sense of urgency, globally and personally as well. For me it is like a calling which gets louder and clearer. I sense I am not alone in this feeling.

So, we walk on the many branches of the spiritual path toward the Light. It seems to me like a time to assist each other in this inner period, to come together. Stay connected. Call each other, write each other, meet each other. Share the joys, not just the challenges. Unify.

Remember not to give into fear. Keep the faith, however you manifest that in your life. Whatever gives you strength and promotes serenity, keep doing it and sharing it.

All love, Parvati

Friday, October 23, 2009

LA PETACA. The shamanic moment.

A great deal has happened since my last post. I just came back from a trip to La Petaca, a very special place in the mountains of Mexico.

This place is well known in some circles as a high voltage place and strong energy flows there. We went there to work as facilitators and transformers, as the door opens to The Egoless Future. From the moment we arrived we were attacked. Attacked from within. Our emotions went wild, my companion and I were gripped by fear and paranoia. For a short while we became irrational. Until we both realized what was going on and got a grip of ourselves. After that more attacks ensued. One night our house’s electrical system went wild for no apparent reason. We faced up to this attempt to frighten us, cleansed the house and went on with our business.


As it had happened a few months before, one day an intense sadness came over me, almost overwhelmingly so. That day we went out for the first time to the edge of the mountain to work. As we went into a meditative state and connected with other dimensions we picked up a large amount of angel like beings before us, hovering high above the raged valley bellow. I felt I was falling into their arms and could not understand what was going on when a fierce storm came out of nowhere and we had to run home.

The next day we came back. The intense sadness has returned to me. Once more we went to the edge of the mountain to meditate, as we sat down we both went into an instant trance like state. Suddenly we connected with a very large number of beings, from human souls to beings whose nature was unknown to either one of us (however, they did not feel like “dark” beings). These beings seem to be dull and de-energized. They were sad and helpless. Upon contacting them I went into a heart felt prayer in a shamanic language, begging for their safety. I prayed and prayed for them as I cried full of sorrow. I asked for protection, enlightenment and love for them. My companion had a similar experience as she pleaded with them to get up and join in the light. We danced and performed an entire ritual that until that very moment had been unknown to us. It was a very powerful experience.

The rest of our time there, whenever we sat down to work, more of this occurred. Each time a little more unfolded.


I feel La Petaca is one of the many vortexes on this planet where large bubbles / slices of other dimensions of our world are opening and gathering right now. La Petaca is like a waiting station containing a particular energy, a particular frequency where beings from different dimensions of our world connect with each other and with us. It is also a place where we, who have pledged to work on this transition work with them. I understood that for some reason the many being who appeared there could not act, ask, pray or perform any shift by themselves. That was our job. We are the active element in this transition. Like I wrote earlier, we are the transformers.

As sad as some moments were, this was also a powerful time, full of joy and hope for us. But more importantly, this was a moment when we began to understand some of what's really going on and our role in it. Another piece of the puzzle on the board.


Since the episode two months ago when we had an encounter with elementals, fairies, gnomes and other beings of the wild who at that time sadly announced their departure, going out to the mountains feels different. In fact, two days ago I went to the mountains with friends to play drums and meditate and the general atmosphere was very different. I can say I perceived many dark beings roaming where the elementals once were.

As we stand on the threshold of the New Golden Age, we need to be conscious of the changes in our world. Prepare for the shift and the many difficulties inherent in shifts of such magnitude and implications.


We are and always have been multidimentional being living in a multidimentional world. But until now we've been operating in only one dimention and seeing only a fraction of reality. (Herein our present predicament.)
As we continue to work our consciousness unfolds and elevates. We take another step up in our multidimensionality. We see more of our world and how it really is and really always has been. Only with this knowledge acquired through our increasing multidimensionality can we perform the full transformation. Only in this state can we see the true wonders of our world.

I’m grateful for it all.
