Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This world will not end. Ever.

It has been a very long time since I wrote on this blog. Needless to say I’ve been very busy. I probably won’t be writing much either in the future. But who knows.
Sang sang sarai!!!! A real story.
Ten years ago this journey towards a beautiful egoless future began in earnest. “Sang sang sarai” spurted from my lips as my body shook with laughter and burned with intense self produced heat. I was a astonished witness to my own behavior, my own words at that moment. I had no idea what “sang sang sarai” meant, but it made me happy to pronounce those words. Still does.
“What the hell is going on, what is this?” at the same time “Wow, this is amazing, it is beautifully strange, this is important,” was my inner chatter. This happened in the company of 15 people on September 13, 2011 during an Agnihotra ceremony. At the time we were all very concerned and shocked a mere two days after the World Trade Center attack.
My life has never been the same. This day I realized there was something operating from within me, something I had yet not understood but already loved more than anything else. That day I had yet to understand that something within me was going to lead me to a place I’ve always wanted to go. I had to follow this lead with absolute blind faith. I did and I was terrified.
Seven years later I met Lama Tsori Rimpoche (Tulku Karma). I asked him what “sang sang sarai” meant. He said a “beautiful future, a changed world approaches”.
By the time I heard these words translated by Lama Tulku I had been obsessed with leaving the US to live on a remote mountain, in a self sustaining spiritual community, to detox from the present system governing our planet, to nurture from a loving communion with the earth; eating what we planted and lovingly cared for till harvest time. A place where we would have the time and space to meditate free of worldly distractions and assist the arrival of that “beautiful future, a changed world approaches”. Sang sang sarai!!!! I had no idea where this place was. Many times I doubted it existed.
So here I am, with a crappy Internet connection, living on a remote mountain. After leaving the US four years ago for a small dusty town in Mexico, where I new not a soul, earned no money and did nothing but meditate and long. I met a woman who had similar ideas to mine but who was not ready to take the step yet. She had bought land in a remote mountain, a place considered by many to be an energy vortice, a sacred place, a dangerous place. There she build several houses, beautiful houses and she offered one to me. “Go and start a community” she said. In the mean time I met a beautiful young woman with two beautiful young boys, the moment we met we fell in love and to my amazement this journey I was taking... this life in the mountain was all she had ever wanted. Six months later we moved up here, where we are learning how to farm (I’m a designer-advertising creative-film make and she is a Olympic gymnastics trainer) from scratch. We finally have began to eat our own vegetables and have had many beautiful experiences working with the higher energies involved in this evolutionary process and the cleansing of the earth. Sang sang sarai!!!
During the time that I first woke up to the realization that I was going to embark in this journey (1999) the universe has given me many clues and valuable information. So far everything that I’ve “paid attention to” (the universe is always talking to us, but we don’t always listen) has been absolutely true even if at the time it sounded improbable. I have shared this information with many, but they won’t act on it... only later they will say, “you were right”. I knew ahead of time about the 9/11 attack, the implosion of the real estate market, the financial market crash, the porcine flu epidemic, the middle present east war etc...
I also know via this communication that our economic system has collapsed and is only a matter of time when there will be no currency. A great chaos will takes over the world... it already has claimed great parts of our planet. The many natural disasters that humanity seems to blithely ignore will increase in frequency and magnitude until it wrecks so much that humanity will fall to its knees. At the same time war and disease will sweep the planet. This too has already started to happening in many places. (It looks like this is the only way for humanity to stop the present destruction of the planet and move on to a life of co-creation and harmony).
And as all this is happening the most terrible thing taking place today is the indifference, greed, egotism and hatred that is destroying so many people form the inside out.
The time has come to choose. To detach from the problem and become the solution. There are many ancient communities of light in this planet, Hindu and Buddhist enclaves as well as more non denominational modern versions where people live together in harmony and prayer... emanating light and love for all the world. If this were not so, this planet would have blown up by now. This plus the pure emanations from artists during their inspired moments of connection with the divine, the moments of innocent joy many of us have and the purity of many child like souls in this planet have created a much needed balance that has kept the dark from devouring this world. This I call the persistence of light in the human soul.
This persistence of light is not only in the human soul but also in every spec of this infinite universe. The undeniable grandeur of our universe prevails for infinity and this hiccup, this blip in this greatness; this dark human history we are living is nothing in comparison. Just something to never ever repeat.
I don’t know why evil exists; I don’t think I’m capable of understanding it right now. But I know there is a reason; it is not a wanton act of evil itself. The light has a purpose for allowing this; perhaps an educational period of darkness is needed.
But I know this period is over very soon. Over.
Today I saw how our cucumber seeds exploded into beautiful bright green sprouts. Our puppies finally got the nerve to shed their baby shyness and become little four legged terrors. Sometimes still we feel fear and uncertainty... the pain seeping from this world is hard to sidestep. To stand here and watch the world we know fall to pieces is unnerving some times. But we work hard not to forget that a very powerful, intelligent and loving consciousness created this universe and all that love did not create all this for to end up in pain and destruction. And the way things are going on planet Earth pain and destruction seem inevitable. But this is not the divine plan, this is not what is being communicated, this is not what I’m paying attention to.
A few more people have arrived up here; we can see the beginning of a working group to assist in the birth of the egoless future.  More people will come as that “beautiful future, a changed world approaches” faster and faster. Needless to say I’ve been very busy. I probably won’t be writing much either in the future. But who knows.
Sang sang sarai!!!! A real story.

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