Sunday, September 6, 2009


Today three of us went to the countryside to meditate and commune with the many “invisible beings” who live in nature.

We were looking for a river, but the river was gone. This part of the country has been suffering a drought and as we drove through winding dirt roads we finally came upon the dried river bead. We got out of the car under a small tree. There we set up an altar on a rock, with offerings of fruit, honey, bread, incense, a white candle and went into our meditation.

Soon, we were surrounded by elementals, gnomes, fairies and others, their sadness was tremendous. They asked for our help, our protection. It was at this moment that we realized the entire area where we were standing was soon to be gone. These creatures were grieving for their home. This place had been their home for thousands of years and it was about to be no more.

They needed us “lightworkers” to protect them and to guide them to a safe place where they would take refuge during the “transition”… the big storm.

I was crying while singing to them knowing that it was our kind who brought them to this situation and it is up to us to give them back their home. It is the work of us humans, “lightworker humans” to re-establish the natural balance in this part of the universe. We are responsible for creating a bridge to the new world.

It has been a very difficult day for me. Also an enlightening one.

It is our responsibility, our job to elevate our frequency, to evolve into the type of beings capable of transcending into higher level and to elevate with us those who for so long have been part of us. They are the earth, the wind, the trees and all that vibrant life that has been manifested to feed us with their energy, to enrich us. It is a symbiotic relationship we have. It is our turn now!

Until today, I saw them as mystical figures above it all. Now I realize that together with all the plants and animals of this planet they too are part of the transformation and the transformers are us.

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